Your Sunshine Acres family is working very hard this Holiday season as we prepare our Irish Goldendoodle puppies to make it to your home in time for your holiday gathering. Snow may fly, cold may come, but our puppies are staying toasty in the warmth of our all season center. However, what would winter be for our puppies, if they did not get the chance to play in the snow. This is truly a highlight.
Though time can be rushed this time of year, we take a slow and steady approach to raising our furry little friends. Socialization, vaccinations, vet visits continue on as at any other time of year. We want you to enjoy a happy, healthy puppy that has been well adjusted through appropriate socialization.
Sunshine Acres Goldendoodles puppies can be in high demand and especially so this time of year as families look for that extra special gift for this holiday! Reserving a puppy early is essential. We will make every effort to have your puppy ready, when you are ready to celebrate with your family.

All our puppies come from tested parents followed with a three year health warranty, and are wellness checked by our veterinarian. Each Goldendoodle has a microchip ID and vaccinations are kept current. We will also send a familiar blanket home with you for your puppy’s comfort.
The last day for picking up or receiving your Holiday Goldendoodle puppy in December 23rd. Shipping is available. We recommend an earlier flight for the most reliable flight service. The Thursday, Friday or Saturday prior are best, but the 23rd is an open option. Temperature and precipitation plays a huge role in flying, so a contingency plan is needed. We will monitor forecasts for departure and destinations and alert you to any potential plan changes.
If you prefer to bring your Goldendoodle home right after the holidays are over, we can arrange for that as well. Let us know your preference and we will do our best to accomodate you.
Sunshine Acres Winter Wonderland Goldendoodle puppies are waiting for you!