Sunshine Acre’s Photo Gallery of our Customer’s Photos
Welcome to Sunshine Acre’s Gallery of Photos, where we showcase many of the photos we have received from our puppies’ new owners. Over the past 20 years of raising puppies, one of our favorite things is receiving updates from our puppies’ new families. Whether we receive the update on our social media, by text, email, a phone call, or a Christmas card in the mail, all are special to receive! We love to hear how our puppies grow up and become a memorable part of their new family, as they have been a special part of our life, too.
The photos in our Photo Gallery show our puppies at a variety of ages, in different styles of clips, and involved in every type of family activity. Thank you, to all of our customers who share their photo updates with us. If your puppy from Sunshine Acres isn’t show here yet, please reach out to us with an update. We look forward to hearing from you.
Sunshine Acres Irish Goldendoodles puppies are genetically 1/2 Poodle, and 1/2 Irish Golden. Our Irish Golden mothers are either 1/4 Irish Setter and 3/4 Golden Retriever, or 1/2 Irish and 1/2 Golden. As a first generation, or F1 cross, our Irish Goldendoodles combine the great characteristics of their parent breeds and are the healthiest generation possible, due to the genetic diversity and hybrid vigor of being a cross bred or mixed breed dog. After 20 years, we still continue to breed this F1 cross, as they have the desirable wavy coat type, which is so easy to maintain. We love the wavy coated F1 look of our Goldendoodles’ coats. As a puppy their coats appear fairly straight, but as they grow to adults, their coat transitions to a wavy coat with loose bouncy curls on the end of their hair.
Many of the current breeders who are new to the Doodle arena raise a multi-generational Goldendoodle who has a very tight, frizzy curl. We don’t care for this look in a Doodle. We love Sunshine Acre’s wavy/slightly curly coat type which is the normal for our dogs coat types. This photo gallery showcases the “Sunshine Acres” look of our puppies. Most of our puppies’ genetic bloodlines extend back to the foundation dogs of Sunshine Acres. Almost all of our puppies’ parents were born here at Sunshine Acres, and in many cases their grandparents and great-grandparents were as well.