All new Irish Goldendoodles seen in Los Angeles

Irish Goldendoodle Puppies for Sale Los Angeles

Goldendoodle puppies for sale in Los Angeles

The red or dark gold Irish Goldendoodle has been located in the Los Angeles area.  As you stroll through the open restaurants in Beverly Hills or walk along the many beaches, you will likely see this large fluffy dog walking with his or her family.

Los Angeles and its surrounding communities has often been a trend setter for the country.  As the Goldendoodle becomes the ordinary, the new Irish Goldendoodle becomes set apart with its peculiar rich glossy coat, fun loving personality, and loyalty to last its lifetime.

Keeping the old and meeting the new!

Everyone loves to stop and pet a beautiful dog like Sunshine Acres Irish Goldendoodle.  Whether it is an old acquaintance or someone new you are hoping to meet, this dog is your ice breaker.

Your friendly security team!

The Sunshine Acres Irish Goldendoodle is a socially outgoing dog that loves people.  However, there is a special bond they make with their family which may become an action if there was an assault made by a stranger.  Even though they are friendly to a fault, it has been proven that homes where dogs live are less likely to be broken into and people with dogs are less likely to be attacked.