What books Can I Read to Prepare for my Goldendoodle Puppy’s Homecoming?

A puppy’s arrival is a time of excitement for the whole family. But, this time can also be one of many questions. The books shown here are some of our favorites for general “prepare for a puppy” tips and advice. They are shown on this page in the order we recommend them. So if you only have time to read one of them- be sure to get The Dog Listener. You can search the internet for these books/video, order them through your local book store or check them out at your local library.   Happy Reading!

The Dog Listener: Learn How to Communicate with Your Dog for Willing Cooperation

In The Dog Listener Jan Fennell shares her revolutionary insight into the canine world and its instinctive language that has enabled her to bring even the most delinquent of dogs to heel. This easy-to-follow guide draws on Jan’s countless case histories of problem dogs—from biters and barkers to bicycle chasers—to show how you can bridge the language barrier that separates you from your dog. This edition includes a new 30-Day Training Guide to further incorporate Jan’s powerful method into every element of pet ownership, including:

  • Understanding what it means to care for a dog
  • Choosing the right dog for you
  • Introducing your dog to its new home
  • Walking on a leash
  • Dealing with behavioral problems
  • Grooming
  • And much more

The Dog Listener (DVD):

The Dog Listener-DVD (Can only be purchased on Jan Fennell’s website)

Books about Goldendoodle Training

In this film, “The Dog Listener”, Jan demonstrates her technique and the exceptional results it can provide. She shares her secrets and shows how it can be much more effective and compassionate alternative to standard “obedience” training. This easy to follow approach includes case histories of problem dogs. The film is set out in easy to follow chapters:

The Dog Listener – Rediscovering the Lost Language- Establishing Leadership- Understanding and Applying the 4 Key Elements:

1. Feeding 
2. Perceived danger 
3. The hunt 
4. Reuniting after Separation 

The Puppy Listener

  • Paperback: 224 pages
  • Author:  Jan Fennell
  • Publisher: Harper (October 1, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0007413785
  • ISBN-13: 978-0007413782

In this new book, leading expert Jan Fennell shows you how to lay the right foundations for a happy and contented relationship with your dog, and takes you step by step through the important stages in the first six months of your puppy’s life.

The Art of Raising a Puppy

  • Hardcover: 352 pages
  • Author:  The Monks of New Skete
  • Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 2 Rev Upd edition (June 29, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0316083275
  • ISBN-13: 978-0316083270

For more than thirty years the Monks of New Skete have been among America’s most trusted authorities on dog training, canine behavior, and the animal/human bond. In their classic bestseller, THE ART OF RAISING A PUPPY, the Monks draw on their experience as long-time breeders of German shepherds and as trainers of dogs of all breeds to provide–brilliantly distilled–the indispensable information and advice that every dog owner needs.

The Dog’s Mind: Understanding Your Dog’s Behavior

  • Series: Howell reference books
  • Author: Bruce Fogle
  • Paperback: 222 pages
  • Publisher: Howell Book House; 1 edition (October 14, 1992)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0876055137
  • ISBN-13: 978-0876055137

How do dogs perceive the world about them? How do they see, hear, learn, relate to their owners? How large are their brains, what is their emotional makeup? Why do they suffer from stress and how can it be coped with? Over the last few years a substantial body of knowledge has been built up about the psychology of dog behavior. Combining more than twenty years of practical experience as a veterinary clinician with a personal knowledge and understanding of the latest international research, Dr. Bruce Fogle has written the most inclusive and relevant book on how the canine mind works.