3 thoughts on “Baxter, Son of Maggie and Reuben”

  1. Dear Mike, my goldendoodle Lucy was stolen from my truck parked in front of a restaurant in Kansas. We are heartbroken. Lucy was 1/4 irishsetter. Do you have any puppies?

    1. Steve,

      I do have puppies and did hear that she was stolen in Kansas. I feel really bad for you and hope that she can be restored to you by her microchip. Sadie has a litter of puppies that I am going to post today on the website. Right now, I am accepting third choice of seven girls.

    2. Steve,
      Where in Kansas did this happen? I’m a NW Kansas native and have a gut feeling your kidnapper was passing through. But just in case:
      Take out an ad in a Ks veterinary magazine right away: photo of your dog, date lost, where stolen, and chip number, plus your contact info.
      Call any KS vet to get a publication name or go to a library and consult SRDS trade publications guide to check cost. I reco 1/3 pg. ad.
      I don’t think you need a reward.
      Best of luck. Don’t give up on her!

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